Friday, June 17, 2005


Closed the door on his face
Long he dwelt on his unhappy state
Pining while looking back to trace
The series of events that led to his fate

Anger and dejection is what he faced
Livid he was with distraction
Wondering why at all this run he had raced
Like a rat in a bid to feed his ambition

Finer details emerged, the hints of late
Unobserved, subtle and much regretted
Till that one moment when the spate
Washed him right out of the proverbial gate

Rise said the eternal soul
Unfettered, independent and whole
Rise and look not at the door that closed
But the triumphal arch of one who fell and yet was droll

Dwell not on the regrets that in your thoughts do linger
Your feelings bereft, unhappy and cold
For open are many doors that only you can behold
As long as pity and hope are widely asunder


Blogger Santosh BS said...

This is a beauty! Liked the way it flows.

8:26 pm  

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