Thursday, September 07, 2006

Philosophy of Food

Create health with a ladle;
While within the folds of a batter,
The smile I cradle
And see it emerge in a bite later.

Make them tickle;
With the charms of witch-craft
The salad with small emotions mickle;
And see fingers twitch around the haft.

Demand attention to detail
Of the stew brewed with utmost care.
In every stir a prayer I prevail
Upon the bubbles which to surface dare.

The garnish like a coronet wear
Upon the labour of love well set
Let the waft of goodness near
As it is laid to humour and pet.

When the faculties converge on mystery
Created by magic of a heart well meaning,
So that those around the table with eyes blinking
Savour the creation which with so much artistry
Neared the perfection of Manna

Copyright (c) 2006 Keshab Koch