To Makhee Baby
It is my hope and wish that one day you will grow up to be the man you are meant to be. A gentleman whom people will respect. One who knows and understands the importance of honesty, courage and loyalty. And most of all, I hope that you will challenge the supertitious narrow mindedness and pettiness that will be posed you at every step of your life.
You will have doubt or be numbed into resignation by those around you.
You will also be taught intolerance of those different from you. Maybe taught even to despise another human being in the name of religious fanaticism. Remeber, your humanity will be challenged.
It is also by faith that you will emerge victorious. Right now you are small and vulnerable and even those that mean to do you all that harm will look after you. But by degrees, they will make devious manoeuvres and lure you into hatred.
It is your war and only you can fight it. That is the fight of man. A man.
Even though I give you a word of caution, you also have my promise that I shall stand by you.
In the words of a friend who fought my war with me, "Keep the Faith".
Good post. While honesty & courage do go together they dont always pull in the same direction as loyalty.
And its usually good to doubt. give me the thinky doubter over the clarity of certitude. Help Makhee B to grow up thinking for himself/ herself.
I dont think MB will be overtly *taught* any of the stuff you fear? Its usually way subtler.
I dont get the faith thing, but whatever it is that you intend by it, do keep it and I think things are, or will be, probably cooler than you imagine.
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