Tuesday, February 05, 2008

March Madness II

My friend, why do you think so?
Deep in thought and low
Why fight with self this war?
Why drive all who love so far?

My heart fails me and so does my mind
Will you leave me alone and be so kind?
What matters if I do think so?
This war is mine to fight;
Please, leave me alone to take flight.

You a friend I cannot desert
And seeing you thus I fall apart.
Why then don't you have more faith?
Why make flight your trait?

I love you true as a friend, my friend
For you, I'd bend
But fear grips my heart of harm
It portends of love that will disarm
How then do I be your friend?
And still love you to love's end?

Then hold my arm and fear not love
For it serves to fortify and bind
And I shall take you to His grove
Where faith shall calm the mind.


Blogger Savita Nagaraj said...

Koch!! That was a total bouncer yaar!!! hehe, just kidding, achaa hai...but couldnt understand few things...

9:11 am  

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