Tuesday, August 07, 2007


In the corner of Bosco Square was a tea house. It was a new tea house and quite a deviation from the rest of the tea houses in the city. While one might be acustomed to the small, loud and crowded tea houses, this one was rather quiet, large and expensive. It also had glass walls so that passers by could see right through. It was well lit and felt cosy when looked in from the cold street outside.

Looking through into this house, one could see a middle aged woman sit alone and have iced tea. She might have been in her late thirties or maybe older. One could not guess these days. She did look as if she might have been quite a looker in her age. There was something pleasant and happy about her face. It was radiant with sharp, mascared eyes, full red lips and high cheekbones. One could not see her neck because she had a siik scarf round it. Her hair fell in waves over her shoulders.

She sat there and played with her tea. She seemed quite meditative although she did look at her watch once or twice. She was waiting for someone and from her face, it would seem she was in quite a bit of anticipation.

Her face lit up as a young man walked through the tea house door. He was younger than the woman. He had brown eyes, wavy hair that was dishevelled slightly by the cold wind outside. Slim and poised, he walked up to the woman beaming and planted a kiss on her cheek and sat down on the chair opposite.

"As usual, you are late. I got off work an hour ago."

"Traffic dear. You know how it is. How was your day?"

"Oh all right. It is the holiday season. Half the office is on leave. We should take off somewhere."

He nodded. Then he beckoned to the waiter and asked for a cup of tea with some buns.

"It's been a long time since we came here. There was a small tea shop before this. Remember?"

She glanced round and smiled. "Yes. I remember. We met here for the first time six years ago. It was raining and both of us had rushed in to take shelter."

She remembered how she had asked to sit at the same table as a stranger because there was no place available. He was younger then. Her friends had said he was too young for her. But that was six years ago.

"Helloooo...lost in thought."

She shrugged it away. "Listen. I was thinking of," and she hesitated for a while, "children."

He frowned.

"No just listen. I know it is late for me. I mean, at 42 you tend to be reproductively challenged. But what would you say to adoption. It does not matter if I do not carry the child. I just want a little baby."

He leaned forward and patted her on the hand. "I am with you on this, you know that. But you will have to give up work. We've been over this"

"I have decided to quit. I am going to have a baby even if it is by adoption."

There was a silence for sometime. He sipped his tea. She played with her curls. After sometime, he spoke.

"A baby would mean we have to give up the tea house."

"Yes, I realised that."

He sipped his tea quietly for another minute. She spoke this time.

"Ricky...remember how we had fought here the last time we met. I said some pretty ugly things. I am sorry."

"I thought we had left that behind. Do you women, ever forget?"

"That's what I like about you. You are always ready to move on. You do not stop and linger in the past. Everyday is a new day for you."

"I cannot afford to inger in the past. But I love you. Always have. You make me very proud. Young entrepreneur...youngest achiever award...tycoon and all that."

"Really. At times I thought you might be jealous."

"Naw!!! Not me."

"See...that's what I meant. That's what is so likeable about you."

They sat there for a while and then decided to take a walk. It was cold outside but the evening air had an uplifting quality about it. Silent walks bring two people very close. Many people will vouch for the fact. They walked for a while and the came to a bifurcation of the road. They stopped.

"Err...Ria. It is already an hour."

"Oh yes...ofcourse. I am sorry!"

She took out her hand bag and drew out two five hundred rupee notes and handed them over to him.

"Err...it is thousand five hundred now. The Escorts Service has raised the rates."

She gave hime another five hundred.

"When shall we meet again?" he asked.

"We'll see." They kissed each other's cheeks and started walking down the two different roads. She suddenly remembered something and retraced her steps.

"Ricky!" she shouted.

He turned. He was getting late for his next appointment. It was dinner and he had to change before that.

"I...err...forgot to give you this."

He walked back to take the red envelope she was holding out to him.

"What is it?"

"It's two ticktes to the Maldives. They are open tickets. Go when you can. Your wedding gift."

"Thanks." He gave her another peck on her cheek. She smiled and watched him walk away, round the bend.

It was a cold evening. She was cold. She hurried towards home. As she walked, she thought of the evening with Ricky. She did not know how long she could afford him. Thousand five hundred an hour was a little too much...even for Ricky.


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