Friday, November 03, 2006

Obnoxious Couples

The greatest luxury of being a bachelor is that one does not get branded as being one in an obnoxious couple. Why obnoxious, one might ask.

Coupling is an art. But once two people agree they are a couple, there is no looking back or around for that matter. The entire world is seen as "us" rather than "I". I might as well emphasize for clarity that a couple is defined as "two people who have decided, in their larger interest, to be together most of the time, make appearances together; in short, convey to the entire world the fact that one is taken by the other". It is only the very best and adept in this art who can agree to be in a couple but still suppress the "I am taken" signal from ever going out to the wide world. But that is a subtlety that borders on infidelity and one must be careful to just leave everything at toying and do nothing beyond.

I had the infinite pleasure to observe quite a few couples in my time, some quite recently. And it goes wiuthout saying that they may be classified into various categories.

There are the couples formed after one has pined long and strong for a partner who immediately becomes a consort after coupling. Such couples have one or both rather desperate, if you will, at the appearances. They may be identified by the clear disregard for people around wherein they much love the attention they gain by being fully absorbed in each other. They will talk only to each other when in a group. They will incessantly hold hands or fondle (sometimes without decency).

Then there are couples that have been formed because of a supposed intellectual connection. Now, intellectual connection is perhaps, singly, quite important in a relationship. But such an imposter this one is that it is at times rather difficult to see whether it is an intellectual connection or a mere resignation to each other. However, I must say that it works, at least to a great extent.

One cannot forget the couples formed after one has pursued the other for quite some time. In most cases, the pursuer suffers the Monalisa complex. The pursued is at most times, in blissful oblivion. It is only after a certain amount of time has passed that one notices that the pursuer has tamed while the pursued has gone wild. Beautiful thing this coupling is.

I could go on. And it is easier because I am not an expert at relationships or coupling for that matter. But one will ask why obnoxious again? It is rather trivial really. To any 'single' person, quality time with friends means the spending of time in the 'old times' way. When friends had not coupled. Because, having done so, they fall into one of the many categories and in anyway you like it, are quite insufferable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahauahauha!.. amazing insight into the idiosyncratic instinct to 'couplate'..

1:30 am  

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