Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Vertigo II

O Affliction burning
You burn me not yet more
Sweet slumber's restful hate
You touch me yet no more.

Spinning, twirling, skimming shy
I unfold unfurl and unroll high
Twisted, triumphant, bitter - fie!
I fall back despondent creeping by

Tender hand of mother's love -
Apparation simmering in my mind's grove
Round about and yet again high
You touch me not, you touch me nigh!

Ringing, raging, roughing - try!
You dare not, you shall not, you die.
My mind gasps for rest - give it! try!
It fumbles, settles, steadies, pry
At last to sweet slumber's hateful hands
It does cry! It does...cry.


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