Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Just like that

"So how have you been? Well I hope."

"Yes. How about you?"

"I have been fine too. You've put on weight."


He picked up the glass and took a sip.

The winter was particularly cold. It was difficult to get out of bed in the morning. It was an atrocity to have to go for the first hour tutorials and for the bulk of the population, an act performed only under the greatest compulsion. The evenings were better though quiet mostly. It normally started with dinner at C'not and general chatting that was continued in the room, late into the night.

In one such room sat the two friends. There was a stereo playing the folk music both liked. Among other things they talked about poetry, girls and how they might be linked. Silly ramblings from young boys trying to grow up too fast and disgusted with the world in general. For that matter, it is a marvel how everyone at that age is quite disgusted with everything. They also liked books a lot. Not their textbooks but the works of the great writers. Hugo, Dumas, Dickens. Les Miserables was a favourite.

So what could spoil such an evening. Everything. In their case, it was a small dot that one drew on the other's cheek. All in good humour. The other retaliated by squirting ink, back, using his fountain pen. And what led to this silly exchange of blots? Nothing. Exactly and completely nothing. As the reader will agree that having nothing to do, the human mind finds the most mundane of things fun.

"You should put a marble statue there."

"I was planning to put some terracotta pitchers there. You know, one tall and the other short and round."

"How apt."

"Want a refill?"

"Yeah. A short one".

The dot remained on the cheek and the ink never washed out. Amazing how sometimes, it is so comforting to carry the weight of a senseless argument. For years. Not in spite mind you, not even a grudge but in love. How absolutely stupid.

"Oh, I fell asleep. Did not even realise when I fell asleep."

"It's OK. We have had dinner. Do you want some."

"No I'll pass. Feeling too sleepy. Take the bedding from that wardrobe there. There, you will find the pillows and the blankets."

"All right. You go to sleep".

The blot spread and so did the dot on the cheek. Till one day, a third friend noticed them and was quite surprised. But by then, the blots had formed words in an unknown language. Quite illegible by all means and yet making perfect sense. And it spoke of bonds stronger than steel and loyalty and nobility of character that is now a rare find. They spoke of complete trust or maybe almost complete trust. But they also spoke of a silence.

"Hey, I left my jacket at your place. Will you send it by courier?"

"Can you not stay one more day. We have so much to talk and I fell asleep like an idiot."

"There will be a next time."

"I'll send you the jacket. Don't worry. Are you sure you cannot stay?"

"Just this once, I can't. But I shall definitely make it for a longer stay the next time."

Wonder if the blot had completely faded.


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