Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Occult, witheld, untrod

Where is it...
That unfelt, unknown emotion?
Is it a phenomenon or my own creation?
Like a weeping willow leaning to touch the water
I too reach out for more

In the depth of the book I am reading
In the softness of the dawn breaking
In the height of religious fervour
I reach out for more

Will there ever be...
The presence that provides strength.
Longing, confident and paradoxically imobile
I reach out for more

With the time and the tide
With hours spent in contemplation
With the faith of a lifetime
With every breath...until the greatness overwhelms me
I reach out for truth.
Beyond that, there is no more.

P.S. The title is inspired by Dante' Gabriel Rossetti


Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:23 pm  
Blogger ChandraS said...

Dear KK,
Wonderful words of expression of your desire and the inner urge for realisation.... Well I thought the end lines of the stranza can be more poetically effective if you can make it "I reach out for more and more". Also correct the spelling of the word 'Greatness' in the last Para.
Dr.R.Chandra Sekaran

6:15 am  
Blogger Keshab Koch said...

Dear shanks:

Thank you for your comments. I did correct the typo.

As for the refrain. I suppose the meaning of the title is not apparent. The word 'occult' is used as an adjective. The words 'occult, witheld, untrod' describe that which the writer seeks. It is in a sense greatly mystified and hence the writer(yours truly) is not seeking 'more' of that which is 'occult, witheld and untrod' but rather, more of the hope that allows him to go on in faith to reach the 'truth'. He does not know for sure that 'beyond that there is no more'. He merely conjectures that.

7:42 am  
Blogger ChandraS said...

Dear KK,
Thanks and I stand corrected. It is indeed the prerogative of every inner self to express with exuberance their seeking. Nay, it becomes more rhetorical. Your flow speaks of the NE frontier to which I suppose you belong. Bye,Take care.
With warm regards
Dr.R. Chandra Sekaran.

8:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Keshav
Arjun here, Krishnakali's son remember me?
just chanced upon ur blog...u write brilliantly..

5:47 am  

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