Wednesday, April 05, 2006

You won't understand...but it's all right

Song I had to sing in a concert once:

Come into my joy
Come into my pain
Come you be a friend of mine
I'll be the same
- Peace Child (David Woolcombe)

Therefore I want to be a breath of fresh air, much like the one that embraces you when you step out on a dewey morning just as the sun starts rising.

Then I want to take an azure form and be the elixir of life that runs through the veins of humanity

Someday I shall also be a score of music so divine that heaven and earth shall dance in unison

And then I shall be a placid lake; tranquil, calm and with God


Blogger sacpc said...

In our life, we see joy , as well as happiness, but never ask ourselves
whats happiness, is it riding great cars, living in the finest houses,
sipping on great wine.
I wouldnt know, cause I feel I have seen more happiness in our cramped 'home'
in Mumbai, than in the fine well ventilated 3BHK in bangalore, and adding into it
all the dancing and merrymaking in the pubs, doesnt give me the peace of sitting
in the afternoons and burning holes in newspapers using Granpa's lens and the

I guess, the truth is inside us and not "out there" as the Xfiles suggest.
One fine instance I would love to forget my past, and not think about my future
and just be in my present, live the gift of life .

1:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about this lake ?

It's also in my Orkut album where the caption is "Ultimately I want to be this lake ... trying to figure out how "

9:54 am  
Blogger Savita Nagaraj said...

well.....went way above my ehad....frankly.. :D

5:09 am  

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