Friday, April 21, 2006

Faith in Humanity

Last night I had a visitor. He visits often and we talk late into the night while I make a late night cup of tea. Among other things, we spoke of humanity and what it really means.

For a moment I felt that I was going to get one of his many discourses on life, what it means. What I should do and not do. How things happen when they do. Basically this friend of mine is my very best friend and I just love to listen to him, while he goes on and on about all things around us. I also prize his advice very much.

He entered and sat down beside me. There was a frown on his otherwise lively face. I noticed it at once. "I have been down for a while", he said.

"I am here to listen", I said.

"There is too much ugliness in this world".

"I think we have had this discussion before", I said calmly.

There was a moment of silence. Then he stood up and started pacing up and down the room.

"Keshab", he at last said. "I am going to give you something today. You must not refuse".

"Oh a gift! I love gifts"

"Think what you will. Come sit by my side while I tell you what it is".

I sat down on the edge of my bed. He sat down by my side. And then he said something that I did not understand for a moment. This is what he said.

"In every form, every whim, every smile, every breath, there is but one truth. Yet it is the same truth that eludes us. What is the worst that will happen if you trust someone with something you prize? At most, that someone will cheat you and it will cause you some loss. But know this. No one can take that which you do not have. And you do not have anything. So if you put the person in front of you first and know in my knowledge that you are doing the right thing in loving a fellow human being, you are doing right. For the truth is not in the tangible but the intangible and unknown and that is how it is meant to be. And that is why it is elusive".

I gave him an incredulous look and asked him if he wanted a cup of tea.

"I never say no to a cup of tea. But tell me why you offer a cup of tea to everyone who steps through that door...even if it is the oddest hour, like now when the entire world sleeps?"

"I just like to have a cup of tea with that person. With it I offer hospitality and good will. I suppose that is my way of saying you are welcome and shall occupy some place in my heart. That you are free to knock. That I trust you".

He beamed. "I visited you to ask you this very question. I now see that I need not have said anything to you at all".

He rose to leave. Just as I felt his presence disseminate into the night, I heard him whisper, "Keep the faith".


Blogger ME-MOI-MYSELF said...

Briiliant. Simple but true. Its sad that truth is often so simple but we miss it by, in our fast-paced lives and our conditioning which has sorta made us wear blinkers in our eyes. I remember "Zen and ..." which says, we spend our entire lives searching for "truth" while all this while, truth is right there standing at our doorstep knocking; and we ask "who's there?", "truth", "Go away. I am busy searching for truth" ...!

Most of the beautiful things in life are simple and just there around you, everyday - we are too caught up in searching for it to see it.

11:25 pm  
Blogger Aparna Ganguly said...

Simply beautiful!!

specially those lines..
No one can take that which you do not have. And you do not have anything.

It reaffirmed my faith in humanity...
which had begin to waver...

12:05 am  
Blogger Keshab Koch said...

Hey guys. You are welcome to tea :-)

5:59 am  
Blogger Samik said...

Nice :)

10:01 am  

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